
  6月17日是父亲节,我和姐姐为他准备了一个节目,这个节目是朗诵,名字叫作:“The Very Best Daddy of All”。表演完节目,我们到了餐厅吃饭。吃完饭,我们还为爸爸准备了一张贺卡,祝爸爸节日快乐!

  June 17 is father's day. My sister and I have prepared a program for him. The program is recitation, called "the very best day of all". After the performance, we went to the restaurant to eat. After dinner, we also prepared a greeting card for Dad, wish Dad a happy holiday!


  We've been preparing for father's day for almost a month. Let's read first, then prepare to recite. But I can't recite it. I can only read it. But mom has another good idea. My mother said, "let's take pictures!" we said, "OK!" we failed several times. Finally, we read it. Dad thought it was wonderful.