

  "Ding zero......" , the class bell rang, and the students sat quietly in their seats. I wish the teacher to walk into the classroom with light steps. Unlike usual, today she has a box of beautiful and heavy looking cakes in her hand. Everyone's eyes suddenly gather on the cakes. The teacher put down the cake, smiled and said to us, "today is Thanksgiving Day. This cake is specially sent by Meiyan cake shop. Let's have a taste." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the classroom began to exult.


  The lid of the cake was slowly opened. "Wow!" in the exclamation of the students, a beautifully made cake appeared in front of us. It was divided into two layers, covered with thick cream, and inlaid with many fruit puddings, including yellow oranges, red cherries and purple grapes It's very beautiful, and it also sends out a strong and attractive fragrance, which makes our saliva almost stay.


  We began to divide the cakes. We all lined up excitedly. One by one, we walked up to the platform, took a piece of cake happily from the teacher's hand, and we couldn't wait to eat it when we got back to our seats. No one is willing to devour, cut a small mouth and put it into his mouth, squint his eyes, savor it carefully, then swallow it slowly, and then smile happily on his face.


  Today, what a memorable day!