
母亲节英语作文 时间:2020-03-24 作文 英语 感恩 


  Today is March 8, the annual International Women's day.


  When I got home, I saw that my mother had not finished work and the house was so messy, so I decided to clean the house and surprise my mother. I brought the mop first, then a bucket of water. I dragged it carefully. I just wanted to put the mop in place. Suddenly, I slipped. I got up from the floor and thought to myself, "how can I walk in such a wet and slippery place? I'm sure I'll slip when my mother comes back." At this time, I thought that when my mother mopped the floor, she first used a wet mop and then a dry mop. So I took the dry mop and dragged it again. Wait for a good delay, I stood there watching the results of their own work, happy heart, then I went into the room to do homework.


  After a while, my mother came back. I hurried up to get my mother's slippers and a cup of hot tea. I said, "Mom, happy women's day on March 8!" as soon as my mother came in and saw the house so clean, she said happily, "my child, you really know how to help my mother share the housework. This is the happiest women's day for my mother!" I also smiled happily.


  "Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui." Mother's love is great, our love for mother is far less than mother's love for us.