

  "Only a mother is good in the world. A mother's child is like a treasure."...... This children's song praising mother goes on from generation to generation. We can see how great mother's love is!


  Ha ha, the annual mother's Day is coming. What should I do for my mother? Oh, by the way, isn't there 10 compression bags that my mother bought from the Internet? Let's ask my mother and I to compress the clothes together!


  Compression officially started. We first picked out the clothes we wore in winter, opened the compression bag, took out the vacuum cleaner, and started our big project with the preparations in good order.


  "Now put the clothes in the compression bag, until they can't be put down. And then tighten the zipper I can't wait for my mother to finish saying, "ha ha! It's too easy to pull the chain and put the clothes on!" when I put the clothes into the bag orderly and ready to pull the lock, my mother suddenly shouted, "Hey! How can you pull the lock first, it will damage the zipper!"

  “为什么不要这样做!这样不是更方便吗?”我心里心不甘,情不愿的嘀咕道。但是我看妈妈那娴熟的手指,我不禁也想争着去做。 出乎我预料之外的是,我连1个都没按进去。“天哪!我已经很耐心地去做了,怎么还不进去!”我在心里生气的埋怨道。经过妈妈的一番教导,我终于能顺利操作了。我们两个人一前一后的合作,我是操作员,妈妈是监督官,合力完成的封口工作。

  "Why don't you do this? Isn't it more convenient?" I murmured with reluctance. But when I look at my mother's skillful fingers, I can't help but want to do it. To my surprise, I didn't even press one. "My God! I have been very patient to do it, how can not go in!" I complained angrily in my heart. After my mother's instruction, I was able to operate smoothly. The cooperation between the two of us, one before the other after the other, I am the operator, my mother is the supervisor, and I work together to complete the sealing work.


  ^_^(HA HA) finally, it's the last step, and my favorite one - to use the vacuum cleaner to pump out the air in the compressed bag.


  I open the air hole slowly, and then connect the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with the air hole to start the air extraction. The "hoof" vacuum cleaner makes a loud roar as it draws air. At the time of air extraction, I saw my mother gently patting the compression bag with her hand, as if she was patting the baby to sleep, which further accelerated the speed of air extraction. When I took a good breath, I quickly let go of the pipe. Unfortunately, my mother took a slow pat to let the air flow in, just like the pregnant mother's tummy. I can't help it. It's good that I've been smoking it once...... After about 10 seconds, the bag grew smaller and harder like a stone.


  Ah, it seems that we are the first girls to get on the sedan chair. What a lot of trouble! After many cooperation, we can finish the work smoothly.我们连做了5袋,简直配合的天衣无缝,然后,我们把压缩袋整整齐齐地放入衣柜了。看着这些的衣服,我心里不禁一阵高兴,以前那么大箱衣服,在“一瞬间”就没有了。 we made 5 bags in a row, which almost matched perfectly. Then, we put the compressed bags in the closet neatly. Looking at these clothes, I couldn't help but feel happy. In the past, such a large box of clothes was gone in a moment.


  I couldn't help but feel sad when I watched my mother put her toiling figure in bags. Now, I can help my mother to do what I can. I think I am the man of my family when my father is not at home, and I have grown up. This is a gift for my mother.