

  It's mother's day. I'm going to make a beautiful card for my dear mother.


  First of all, I'll take a piece of pink paper, because pink represents gentle and pure love. Then I took another piece of white paper and cut it to the size of pink paper.


  Then we started to decorate the cover. I drew a small envelope in the middle of the cover, which also said "letter to Mom"; then, I stuck a lovely doll on its upper left corner; finally, I put different patterns on the four corners of the front of the cover for decoration. A perfect cover is ready!

  然后,我打开贺卡,在白纸的左面的下半部分和上半部分分别画出了阳台、窗户,再用我剪下来的一个立体花盆黏在阳台上,还用蝴蝶贴花黏在花盆旁。我还在阳台上面题诗一首:妈妈,您是阳光,我们就是沐浴着阳光的花朵。 我 你!接下来,我用闪闪发光的金色蕾丝做成蝴蝶结黏在窗帘最顶端,再用银色蕾丝又粘在窗帘上。

  Then, I opened the greeting card, drew the balcony and window respectively in the lower half and the upper half of the white paper on the left side, and then stuck a three-dimensional flowerpot I cut on the balcony, and stuck it next to the flowerpot with butterfly decals. I also wrote a poem on the balcony: Mom, you are the sunshine, we are the flowers bathing in the sunshine. I you! Next, I made a bow of glittering gold lace and stuck it on the top of the curtain. Then I stuck it on the curtain again with silver lace.


  At last, I wrote sweet wishes on the other side, and then made a gift box with flash paper in the second half. A card is finally finished.


  I hope my mother receives the greeting card, can be happy day by day! Wish mom happy mother's Day!