

  On April Fool's day, my mother and I watched TV while waiting for my father to go home.


  As soon as Dad came home, he said, "look what I brought back to you." "Wow! Bee, "I was so scared that I ran behind my mother.


  Mother is not afraid of bees, she boldly walked over, fixed eyes, false! "Look here!" "Ah - rats!" My mother was also frightened and fled back to the room with me.


  My mother and I discussed how to revenge my father at night: "I think it should be..." Mom nodded: "OK!"


  In the evening, when my father was watching TV on the sofa, I said to him, "Dad, I'll massage you." At the beginning, my father didn't agree with me. My mother said, "it's rare for my son to massage you. You can promise!" Dad agreed.


  I pressed it for a while, pretended to cough a few times, and mom came over and pressed dad's ankles. I'll point the acupoints on dad's feet right away. Dad itched: "I lost, I lost!"


  Dad scared us with fake animals, so we tickled his feet and made him itch.