
英语读后感 时间:2019-12-01 读后感 千米 英语 


  Ideal is the guiding light of life. As long as we keep striving, it will lead us to the road of success. After reading the dark blue seven thousand meters, I can't help feeling the power of striving for the ideal.


  What impresses me deeply in the book is Mei Lanzhu. She likes the sea and has been eager to become a diver since she was a child, so she keeps training and is always better than others, but her last assessment has not been passed and she can not be a diver, but she has not given up. This is a good example of striving for ideals.


  "It's a sad psychology to be idealistic and indecisive." Yeah! This kind of person is pathetic! Without ideal, it's like in the dark night, without street light, standing there until dawn. What's the use of ambition without struggle? Lying in bed all day, dreaming of enjoying life, thinking of becoming a big boss, do you think you can? No, no, if nothing is worse and you can only rely on begging, what's the point of such a life? Let's work hard together, keep striving towards our ideals and embark on the road of success.


  Confucius is a famous ancient thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism. At that time, he was a well-known teacher. But he was not satisfied and decided to go to school. He lived in the open, and came to Luo County. Why does he have to work so hard? Because he never stops learning and fighting! At last, he studied hard and became a great man. Hawking is a famous scientist, but why did he become a scientist? At the age of 12, he was paralyzed in the second half of his body, but he did not give up on himself. He lived a strong life, even if the doctor had determined that he could only live another two years, he could not stop his ideal. He has been fighting for diseases and paying for Science constantly. He has miraculously lived to the age of 55 and made great contributions to the field of science. Goldbach conjecture is one of the three most difficult mathematical problems in modern world. Many people want to prove it, but they give up because of too much trouble. At this time, a mathematician named Chen Jingrun learned English, German, Russian and other foreign languages to prove it. No matter it's hot or cold, he never gives up, and a study is more than ten hours! To your surprise, he calculated the paper, a few sacks, and finally published the paper.


  They succeeded because they fought and they fought for their ideals. This should be our example. We should learn from them. When learning, set a goal. Striving for the goal, we will surely walk out of a broad road of our own.


  Mr. Lu Xun once said, "all things are based on ideals, and implementation is the result." Then we will continue to thrive as he said.