
英语观后感 时间:2019-11-14 观后感 英语 翻译 


  I watched "young you" last night.


  There are a lot of campus violence like this in South Korea, but it's unexpected that China is getting more and more.


  In fact, the root cause is: the person who was beaten did not resist.


  No matter China or South Korea, when they are bullied, they always don't resist and let them bully.


  Watching "young you" can find that female pig's feet have not resisted, but the more they do, the more they go too far, and even take bad photos and videos.

  所以当一个人遭遇到校园暴力时,不要一味的去忍, 没用的, 忍来忍去,你以为他们完了,不会的,他们会变本加厉的欺凌你。

  So when a person encounters campus violence, don't just bear it. It's useless. Bear it. You think it's over, it won't. They will bully you even more.


  At this time, don't be afraid to fight and fight forever. Never die or be beaten.


  You have to say to the perpetrators of campus violence: I'm not afraid of you. You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, I will hit you, you are not bad.


  No one can beat you. Don't be afraid to beat you. Resist!


  Even if they are many, you can't beat them, and you have a clear conscience, at least you are not afraid of them.


  Some people take those private photos as a threat. You should not be afraid. Since they dare to send out your bad photos, the police will find them, and they dare not send them out at will, just as a threat.


  Even if it comes out, girl, who in the world knows you? Are you a star? Or national leaders? No one will care, just look, smile, it's over.