
英语观后感 时间:2019-11-14 阿拉丁 观后感 英语 


  Disney's most powerful live action movie is a masterpiece. Guy Ritchie's skill is impressive. The film perfectly depicts the kind of magic that can only be shown in the cartoon. The solo of Princess Molly is fresh in memory. Will Smith's funny and humorous performance of light God is more deeply rooted in people's hearts. It's a masterpiece and recommended.


  Film introduction:

  在充满异域风情的古代阿拉伯王国,善良的穷小子阿拉丁(莫纳·马苏德 饰)和勇敢的茉莉公主(娜奥米·斯科特 饰)浪漫邂逅,在可以满足主人三个愿望的神灯精灵(威尔·史密斯 饰)的帮助下,两人踏上了一次寻找真爱和自我的魔幻冒险。

  In the ancient Arab Kingdom full of exotic customs, the kind-hearted poor boy Aladdin (Mona Masood) and the brave Princess Jasmine (Naomi Scott) have a romantic encounter. With the help of the lamp elves (Will Smith), who can satisfy their master's three wishes, the two embark on a magical adventure to find true love and self.