
英语观后感 时间:2019-11-14 攀登者 观后感 英语 

  《攀登者》根据真实故事改编,述说1960年5月25日凌晨4点20分三名中国登山队队员虽历经艰难从北坡登上珠峰但因缺少相机拍摄画面素材导致无法被全世界承认,之后登山队也遭解散,三人命运各不相同。1975年,政府重组中国登山队,这次带着测量珠峰精确高度和拍摄影像资料留证的任务再次登山。要说登珠峰究竟有多难,大家可以先去补习下《绝命海拔》这部电影,还原了96年珠峰山难。冰裂缝、雪崩、八级以上大风、低温、缺氧、无台阶,光听到这些就无不为成功的勇士们感到钦佩。5月27日下午2点30分在经历了前两次失败后,第三次攀登9名队员成功登顶。吴京、章子怡、 张译、井柏然还有电影里中青代优秀的演员们演的都特别出彩,看得出很好的把自己融入到了那个时代背景里,动作戏文戏都很OK。虽然戏份不多,但特别想提一下胡歌饰演的杨光。在第一次攀登时,因目睹队友遭大风失去睡袋而将自己睡袋割断了一部分给了他,导致自己的腿被严重冻,最后失去了一条腿,也遗憾的退出了第二次登山。但在片尾成龙饰演的老年杨光靠着一条假肢+努力+毅力+坚持不懈终站上了珠峰顶端,完成了40多年前的遗憾。特意去查了资料,原型人物夏伯渝其实是失去了双腿,他成为了世界上第一个靠假肢登顶珠峰的人。这就是攀登的意义呀,攀登的不仅是珠峰,也是人心中的高峰,生命不息,攀登不止。第一次参加@新浪观影团 活动就被安排上了提前观影+主创见面,特别喜欢吴京映后交流时所说到的:“老前辈们的英雄事迹是应该被记住的,没有他们的临危受命,就没有今天的中国高度和主权完整。”《攀登者》这样具有中国精神的爆款你值得拥有,顺便助力下吴京打破自己主演电影的票房吧。

  The climber is based on the true story. It tells that at 4:20 a.m. on May 25, 1960, three members of the Chinese mountaineering team went through difficulties to climb Mount Everest from the north slope, but they were unable to be recognized by the whole world due to the lack of camera shooting materials. After that, the mountaineering team was disbanded, and their fate was different. In 1975, the government reorganized the Chinese mountaineering team. This time, it climbed again with the task of measuring the precise height of Mount Everest and keeping the license for photographing the image data. To say how difficult it is to climb Mount Everest, you can go to make up for the movie "absolute life altitude" first, which restores the difficulty of Mount Everest in 1996. Ice cracks, avalanches, gales above the eighth level, low temperature, lack of oxygen, no steps, all of which are admired by the successful warriors. At 2:30 p.m. on May 27, after two previous failures, nine members of the third climbing team succeeded in climbing to the top. Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yi, Jing bairan and the outstanding actors of the middle and young generations in the film all made great achievements. It can be seen that they have integrated themselves into the background of that era, and the action plays and literary plays are all OK. Although not much, I would like to mention Yang Guang played by Hu Ge. During the first climb, he saw his teammate lose his sleeping bag due to the strong wind and cut part of his sleeping bag to him, which caused his leg to be severely frozen, and finally lost one leg. Unfortunately, he quit the second climb. But Yang Guang, an old man played by Jackie Chan at the end of the film, finally reached the top of Everest with a prosthetic limb + effort + perseverance + perseverance, completing the regret more than 40 years ago. Specially checked the data, the archetypal character Xia Boyu actually lost his legs, and he became the first person in the world to climb Everest by artificial limbs. That's the meaning of climbing. It's not only Mount Everest, but also the peak of people's heart. It's a constant life. The first time I participated in the @ Sina film viewing group, I was arranged to watch the film in advance + meet the main creator. I especially like what Wu Jingying said when he talked about after the show: "the heroic deeds of the elders should be remembered. Without their orders in danger, there would be no height and sovereignty integrity of China today." "Climber" is such a blockbuster with Chinese spirit that you deserve to have. By the way, help Wu Jing break the box office of his leading film.