
英语祝福语 时间:2019-11-15 英语 祝福语 生日 


  1. Hold a handful of snow mountain holy water to send you a cool ray; pick a summer lotus to pray for your eternal peace! Happy birthday and happiness!


  2. I am so enchanted by the paradise in front of me when I cross the mountains. Farewell to yesterday, today's world will be more wonderful!


  3. If the meteor is really responsive, I am willing to wait under the starry sky, wait for its arrival, and then make a wish, wish you happy every day. Dear happy birthday, as long as you are happy I am happy.


  4. If there are countless sceneries in life, wish happiness to be the top of life; if the emotional experience is long and long, wish happiness to lead the way! Your birthday, with our blessing around!


  5. Today is a special day. I wish you the best in the blue sky. I hope you will have a colorful life and a happy life in the future. I wish you a happy birthday.


  6. Let SMS fill my blessing, let text write my care, let mobile phone send out my wish! Happy birthday to friends! In this day, we must be very happy, very happy can Oh! Bless you!


  7. All the language becomes pale and powerless in front of love words. There is no need to say anything. Send a small birthday card: it records some of my thoughts!


  8. The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the flowers are in full bloom, and the thoughts are like the sea; the years are intoxicated, the time is fast, the thoughts come, and the true feelings linger; a thousand grass and a hundred flowers are placed with the wind, the heart is still there, and the intimate greetings are wonderful. Today is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday! No matter how fast you go, you can't walk my thoughts; no matter how far you go, you can't walk out of my sight; may you be happy forever!


  9. Birthday wishes to you, good luck and luck around you, happiness with you, good luck and peace love you, family and friends love you, God bless you. I wish you a happy birthday and a healthy life.


  10. There is a kind of warmth from thinking about the beloved at all times, a kind of happiness from unremitting efforts towards the goal, a kind of happiness from a little bit of ordinary life, a kind of warmth in the heart as beautiful as a rainbow! Today is your birthday, and I wish you a happy birthday!