
英语祝福语 时间:2019-11-15 英语 霸气 祝福语 

  1. 昨天月老托梦给我,让我帮他发个短信给你们,说你们两个他罩着,保你们一辈子恩爱甜蜜,白头偕老,幸福美满,天长地久!祝新婚快乐!

  1. Yesterday, I was entrusted with the dream of old moon. Let me send you a text message to say that you two are covered by him, to protect your love and happiness for a lifetime. I wish you a happy new marriage!

  2. 祝你事业越来越成功,老婆越来越爱你,视嫂子越来越漂亮,早点生贵子,也祝你兄弟越来越铁,事业生活都顺利,大喜的曰子笑一个。

  2. I wish you more and more success in your career, more and more love from your wife, more and more beauty from your sister-in-law, early birth of your son, more and more iron from your brother, and smooth career and life. I wish you a happy smile.

  3. 祝你们相亲如鱼水,相爱似烈火,永作比翼鸟,展翅迎春色。

  3. I wish you to be like fish and water, like fire in love, like birds of wings forever, spreading your wings in the spring.

  4. 祝你们如金风玉露,胜却人间无数!愿你们两情长长又久久,朝朝暮暮爱都有!

  4. I wish you all the best in the world! I wish you two a long and lasting love!

  5. 祝你们美满良缘恩爱长,鸾凤和鸣幸福久!年年岁岁情爱深,岁岁年年无不同!

  5. I wish you a long and happy life! Love is deep every year, and there is no difference every year!

  6. 祝福两位新婚愉快,百事好合,万事顺利,携手相依,共享幸福。

  6. Wish the two newlyweds happy, Pepsi well together, everything goes well, hand in hand with each other and share happiness.

  7. 祝福里面有股喜庆的味道,叫喜结良缘;问候里面飘着淡淡花香,叫百年好合;内心里面有份真诚的祈祷,叫永浴爱河;祝愿朋友新婚快乐,白头携老!

  7. Wish there is a festive taste in it, which is called happy marriage; greeting there is a light fragrance of flowers, which is called happy marriage for a hundred years; there is a sincere prayer in the heart, which is called Yongyu Love River; wish friends happy marriage, white headed with the old!

  8. 终于等到这一天,婚姻大事在眼前.整装待发去接亲,男女老少喜笑颜.爆竹声声热气氛,亲朋好友祝福新.满堂皆喜壁生辉,婚后生活比蜜甜!恭贺老兄婚姻幸福,早生贵子!

  8. Finally on this day, marriage is in front of us. When we get ready to get married, men and women, old and young, like smiling faces. Firecrackers sound hot, family and friends bless us. We all like the wall to make our lives brighter. Life after marriage is sweeter than honey! Congratulations to brother on his happy marriage and early birth of a baby!

  9. 执子之手的感动,也子偕老的温情。祝福你们的爱,是开满玫瑰的五月花园。只愿幸福快乐的从此一生相伴!结婚快乐。

  9. The feeling of holding the hand of the son is also the warmth of his life together. Bless your love, may garden full of roses. Only wish happiness and happiness to accompany you from now on! Happy marriage.

  10. 只有懂得生活的人,才能领略鲜花的娇艳。只有懂得爱的人,才能领略到心中芬芳,而你正是这样一个人,你们正是这样的一对,祝你有一个特别温馨的婚礼!

  10. Only those who know how to live can appreciate the beauty of flowers. Only those who know how to love can appreciate the fragrance in their hearts. You are such a person and you are such a couple. I wish you a very warm wedding!