
英语周记200字 时间:2019-11-06 英语 中国 周记 


  On Sunday, my mother and grandpa took my sister and I to visit the Chinese ancient animal museum.

  我们先来到一层的恐龙展厅。在那里,我看到了凶猛的暴龙、高大的马门溪龙、背上长着三角形背板的沱(tuó)江龙。呀,那是久闻大名的猛犸(měng mǎ)象!我仿佛一下子就到了远古时代!接着,我还发现了一只庞大的肉鳍(qí)鱼。據科学家研究,肉鳍鱼可能是人类的祖先呢!它会怎么进化呢?我不禁展开了想象……

  Let's go to the dinosaur exhibition hall on the first floor. There, I saw the fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex, the tall Mamen river dragon, and the Tu ó river dragon with a triangular back plate on its back. Ah, that's the famous mammoth! I seem to have reached ancient times in a flash! Then I found a huge Q í fish. According to scientists, flippers may be the ancestors of human beings! How will it evolve? I can't help but imagine