
英语周记300字 时间:2019-11-06 公家 英语 拜年 


  On the second day of the first month, I went to my father's house to celebrate the new year.


  When I came to my grandfather's house, I was stunned: the horizontal inscription of the couplet "Fu Lu Shou Xi" was pasted upside down! Moreover, the number of the first couplet "12123456790" is more than "one", and the number of the second couplet "123456790" is more than "ten"! As soon as I entered the room, I shouted, "Grandpa, why are you so careless! "Fortune and longevity are all down!" Grandpa laughed: "yes, the party's policy is good. Instead of paying taxes, we give subsidies. Have not all the blessings, wealth, longevity and happiness come to the peasants when they have made a fortune? " "Then, how can there be more 'one' and 'Ten' in the couplets?" "More clothes (1) and more food (10) are abundant! It's using the method of harmonic. "


  Oh I am suddenly enlightened.