
英语作文100字 时间:2020-03-21 让我 作文 英语 

  妈妈让我叠被子,我不愿意叠被子,妈妈非得逼着我叠被子。然后我只能在妈妈的教导下叠被子,第一个被子我叠的跟四不像似的,然后妈妈拿着我的手来叫我叠被子,把这个给叠好了。然后又拿了一 个让我自己动手做,不一会就叠好了,虽然还是不那么好,但是还是很整洁的。呵呵,我终于学会叠被子了,再也不用妈妈给叠了。

  My mother asked me to fold the quilt. I didn't want to. My mother had to force me to fold the quilt. Then I can only fold the quilt under my mother's instruction. The first one looks like four different ones. Then my mother took my hand and asked me to fold the quilt and fold it. Then I took another one and asked me to do it by myself. It was folded in a short time. Although it was not so good, it was very neat. Ha ha, I finally learned to fold quilts. I don't need my mother to fold any more.