
英语作文150字 时间:2019-12-21 辩论会 作文 英语 


  On this Wednesday morning, our department held an exciting debate. The debate is about "the advantages and disadvantages of computers". Our view is that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, but I admit that computers also have advantages.


  At the beginning, I did well in the second group, the first group. In our second group, everyone wanted to speak, but the other party's questions were a little difficult. At that time, we answered one by one. When we asked questions, we talked about the future and the environment, but we also answered this question.

  到了最后,我们最后一组完事后,李栋老师做结束言了。 回班里以后,我想了一下,虽然说是弊大于利,但是如果我们好好利用它,用它来查资料。但不能过度玩游戏。

  At the end of the day, after our last group finished, Mr. Li Dong made a concluding speech. After returning to the class, I thought about it. Although the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, if we make good use of it, we can use it to check the data. But don't over play the game.