
英语作文200字 时间:2020-03-19 我爱 作文 英语 


  There is a teacher younger than Miss Qi in our class. She is always so kind to us. Everyone calls her Miss Xiao Li.


  For our healthy growth, Miss Li comes and leaves early and late every day. It's hard to help Miss Qi.


  In the morning, Mr. Li came to the school first, drew the water, and the students came. If some students finish writing their own content early, like No. 1 new word Pinyin Daquan Mr. Li gave all the corrections in time. By noon, Mr. Li would give us a meal first, and he would always eat last. In the afternoon, if you have any questions, please ask Mr. Li. Mr. Li can help us to explain. After school, we left. Mr. Li starts to clean up, which is to make tomorrow have a good environment. Mr. Li always leaves last.


  Miss Li, you have worked hard. I love you, Miss Li!