
英语作文250字 时间:2019-12-23 作文 年夜饭 英语 


  Tonight, my parents and I came to grandma's house to have new year's Eve dinner. There are many people in grandma's family: Auntie's family, aunt's family and sister's family. It's very lively!

  开始吃饭了,有许多好吃的菜,最受欢迎的菜是土豆丝,它一放到桌子上,我们的筷子就像雨点般一样,“唰”,不一会儿,盘子就像洗了一样干净。好吃的还有大鱼大肉、虾······这 真是让我们大饱口福!

  At the beginning of the meal, there are many delicious dishes. The most popular dish is potato shreds. As soon as they are put on the table, our chopsticks are like raindrops, "Shua". Soon, the dishes are as clean as they are washed. There are also big fish and meat, shrimp... It's really a feast for us!


  At this time, the adults drink sweet wine and wish each other the coming of 2009 and the good luck of the year of the ox. The children watched the Spring Festival party and received the lucky money from the adults. The old people were happy for their children to come back to have dinner.


  Chinese New Year's Eve meal is more and more rich year by year. People's days are like sesame blossoms. Our country is rich and our people are strong. I wish our country a prosperous day!