
英语作文250字 时间:2019-12-23 作文 英语 趣事 


  Last June 1st, the school called on everyone to participate in the large-scale collective activities of the passionate Olympic Games and the sunshine youth. I was very happy to hear from Mr. Zhao. I must win honor for my class.

  再赵老师的带领下,经过我们反反复复的联系我们终于把动作练得很熟了,赵老师甚至牺牲了她自己 的休息时间来给我们排练体育老师在叫我们入场准备的正步走。

  Under the guidance of Mr. Zhao, we finally practiced the movements very well after our repeated contact. Mr. Zhao even sacrificed her own rest time to rehearse for us. The physical education teacher was walking in the process of asking us to prepare for the entrance.

  留意这一天终于来到了,我们每个班按顺序入场,我们各自拿着自己的道具喊着我们班的口号激情奥运,放飞梦想。音乐伴奏的歌曲是兔子舞,道具是银条手碎,我们班演完了,看着高年级 的表演也南无精彩,底下传来了一阵阵。

  Notice that this day has finally come. Each of our classes enters the stadium in order. We hold our own props and shout our class's slogans. We are passionate about the Olympic Games and dream of flying. The music accompanies the dance of rabbit, and the props are silver bars and broken hands. Our class has finished the performance, and watching the performance of senior students is not brilliant. There are bursts of music coming from below.