
英语作文350字 时间:2019-12-14 除夕夜 作文 英语 


  New year's Eve is a traditional Chinese festival. On New Year's Eve, we all go to see lanterns, set off firecrackers, watch the Spring Festival party and eat dumplings. But it's different every year. Do you want to know how I spend New Year's Eve this year? Let's take a look.


  Today is new year's Eve. My sister and I helped everyone make dumplings. The dumplings were finally made, but our sister and I became a pair of lovely "dolls". After a while, the delicious dumplings came out of the pot. My sister and I ran to the kitchen and secretly took out two to eat. After eating, my sister and I came to the square.

  那里人山人海,车水马龙。我和姐姐拿着鞭炮就往里挤,我和姐姐找了个空地,姐姐把引线点着,“刺--”一朵像瀑布一样的花花绽开了,闪闪发亮。这时,让我想起了 李白写的“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的诗句,“嗵--”一朵“牡丹花”向我扑来,我急忙闭上眼睛,当我睁开眼睛时,“牡丹花”消失了,“嘭--”一颗颗的“小星星”向我招手,仿佛天空就是它们的舞台,“哗--呲”一个红彤彤的光,照亮了整个天空。

  There are a lot of people and traffic. My sister and I pushed in with firecrackers. My sister and I found an open space. My sister lit the lead. "Thorn" -- a flower like a waterfall bloomed and glistened. At this time, it reminds me of Li Bai's poem "flying down three thousand feet, suspected that the Milky way is falling into nine days", a "peony flower" pours at me, I quickly close my eyes, when I open my eyes, "peony flower" disappears, "Bang --" stars "wave to me, as if the sky is their stage," Hua Yi "a red light, It lights up the whole sky.


  After setting off the fireworks, my sister and I went home. When I was watching the party, I was up and down with laughter. Unconsciously, I fell asleep.