
春节英语作文 时间:2019-09-09 作文 圣诞 英语 


  Today, our class held a Christmas party. We raised money to buy decorations and food. Everyone paid at least 5 yuan, and it's not too bad that there were too many. For this part, we started planning two weeks ago, and today we are also getting ready when we get to school: making Christmas trees, blowing balloons and decorating them. It's so busy!

  我也为了帮忙,还没练完球就跑到了学校,人多力量大嘛! 在我们的配合下,party终于顺利的进行了,大家的脸上都洋溢出了快乐的微笑,作为班里的一份子,我也高兴的笑了,在此,祝愿大家圣诞节快乐!

  In order to help, I also ran to school before I finished practicing. With our cooperation, the party finally went smoothly. Everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles. As a member of the class, I also laughed happily. Here, I wish you a happy Christmas! ____________.