

  In the four seasons of the year, everything recovers in spring; in summer, the sun is blazing; in winter, the snow is white. But I only love autumn's mature beauty.


  The color of autumn is gold. Golden leaves, like a beautiful butterfly dancing in the autumn wind; layers of golden rice waves, like a golden ocean; sorghum red face stretching in the autumn wind, its golden dress singing while dancing happily


  The sound of autumn is wonderful. The autumn rain is ticking, just like the melody of the piano; the autumn wind is blowing slowly, just like the beautiful music; from under the trees, the cheerful insects in the fields are playing the symphony of harvest


  The taste of autumn is sweet. In the orchard, a pear is like a small lantern, hanging on the tree; on the grape shelf, a bunch of grapes are like big and round black pearls, shining, sending out refreshing fragrance Chrysanthemums are blooming in the autumn wind. Red, white, yellow and purple are competing with each other. The air is full of intoxicating fragrance.


  The sky is high in autumn. There are a few light white clouds floating in the blue sky. Under the white clouds are a line of returning wild geese flying south. They line up into words one by one, adding a touch of vitality to the beautiful sky


  Ah, autumn, how beautiful you are, I love you!