
英语作文200字 时间:2020-01-04 作文 英语 翻译 


  On Friday afternoon, the school is going to hold an "Olympic Mathematics Competition". The students are willing to participate in the competition. There is a possibility of winning the prize. It is stipulated that the winners must have full marks. Although it is difficult to get 100 points, all the students want to sign up for the competition as soon as they hear about the prize.


  All of a sudden, our class's "little reporter" stopped us all, and he said loudly: "students must not sign up, according to insiders, today's Olympic math problem is too difficult! Let's imagine, if you sign up, you can't get a good result again, and you can't be blamed by the teacher?"


  After hearing this, most of the students flinched. At this time, only I was in a dilemma. After careful consideration, I decided: knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, I would prefer to go to tiger mountain!


  The registration is over. There are only ten students in the school. After an hour, the exam is over. After a few days, the results were announced. I only got 91 points.


  I'm a bit disappointed to see how happy others are after winning the prize. But on the other hand, failure is the mother of success, life can not be smooth sailing. People live in challenges and competition. Only when they try can they have opportunities. Only when they dare to challenge can they succeed.