
英语作文300字 时间:2020-03-20 作文 英语 哥哥 


  I have a brother named jiuxinjie. He has many advantages. The biggest advantage is punctuality. For me, who often doesn't come home on time after school, this is what I admire him for.

  有一次,我和他去学校打篮球。我这个哥哥酷爱打篮球,由于个子高,他打得也很好。那天,妈妈只让我们玩一个小时,一个小时之后必须回来吃饭。哥哥害怕耽误,就戴上了手表。很快,一个小时就 过去了,但我仍意犹未尽。于是,我便缠着哥哥说再玩一会。因为哥哥很关心我,什么事都依着我的想法,所以我认为这招应该有效。谁知,哥哥根本不吃这套,斩钉截铁地说:“别玩了!该回了,我 们答应你妈妈只玩一小时,既然答应了就应该遵守时间,况且也该吃饭了,如果你坚持不回去,那我可不管你了。”说完便骑上自行车准备走。我连忙劝他:“哥哥,不要生气嘛,大不了我跟你回去不 就行了?” “这还差不多。”哥哥说。在回家的路上,我满脑子想的都是一个酷爱篮球的人,为什么把守时排在篮球前?

  Once, I went to school with him to play basketball. My brother is fond of playing basketball. Because of his height, he plays well. On that day, my mother only let us play for an hour, and we have to come back for dinner after an hour. Afraid of delay, my brother put on his watch. Soon, an hour passed, but I still wanted to. So I pestered my brother to play for a while. Because my brother is very concerned about me, everything depends on my idea, so I think it should be effective. Who knows, elder brother does not eat this set at all, say firmly: "do not play!"! It's time to go back. We promised your mother to play for only one hour. Since we promised, we should abide by the time. Besides, it's time to eat. If you insist on not going back, I don't care about you. " Then he got on his bike and was ready to go. I hurriedly advised him: "brother, don't be angry. I'll go back with you if it's a big deal?" "That's about it." Brother brother said. On my way home, I was full of people who loved basketball. Why did I put punctuality in front of basketball?


  Later, my mother told me the answer. She told me the importance of punctuality, and let me learn from my brother's punctuality. Since then, in learning my brother's punctuality, I have found other advantages of my brother. Slowly, my brother became the most admired person.