

  At the weekend, my brother recommended me a movie called "Butterfly Effect". It was a movie released in 2004. The quality of the picture was a little dark, but it also highlighted the ups and downs of the plot, which made me tense at night. In order to create the atmosphere of watching the movie, I turned off the chandelier specially, leaving only a small lamp. Under the light of the light, it was almost like being in the dark Watching ghost movies, I secretly complained about my brother. It was not easy to relax at the weekend.


  The film is about Ivan who suffers from hereditary psychosis. When his brain changes, he often forgets what he has done, but the memory will be reconstructed and regenerated, and the brain will be overwhelmed. His grandfather and father both died of this psychosis. The psychiatrist suggested that he keep a diary at all times, so as to help him recover. Ivan played with Tommy and Keller brothers and sisters, and Downey when he was 13. When he was 13, his mother took him to another city to live. When he grew up, Ivan had excellent achievements and a bright future. But he was always upset because he forgot the past, so he began to open the diary to try to recall, accidentally crossing the scene recorded in the diary, and looking at it The result of growing up after that experience: he lost the Keller he loved in his childhood, Tommy became violent, Downey was weird, he regretted and wanted to turn around, so he began to open the memories before this. He believed that stopping that event could save his love and friends, but the wheel of fate turned to another unexpected direction: Downey killed by accident Tommy is imprisoned, Keller becomes the dust girl in the red light district Ivan was shocked and shocked, and thought of going through the earlier scenes. This time, he saved his friend: Tommy finished his studies excellently, Downey and Keller lived happily together, and he became disabled. His mother became depressed because of his accident, and her body was destroyed by smoking addiction. When Ivan saw her, she was dying of lung cancer in the late stage Ivan is struggling and unable to help himself. He tries his best to correct his mistakes, but the development of things is like falling into a magic spell. He will never be happy.


  I often tangled in the past and recalled those brilliant and beautiful days. If I had tried harder when I was in school, I could have a better university and a better life. If I had not joined the news department when I was in University, I could have more time to experience life. If I had worked harder and exercised more diligently after graduation, would I have been able to Harvest a better self; if I don't meet my husband, will I live a more simple and happy life If it had been like that, it would be like that now. It takes so much mental effort that we don't have to deal with the present.


  Tomorrow is the future, yesterday is the past, only today is in our hands. In fact, to live is the best thing for me. I hope that there will always be sunshine in my heart. I hope that memories will always be sealed in the box of memories until the end of my life and die in the world with me.