
英语祝福语 时间:2019-11-15 英语 祝福语 温馨 

  1. 寒冬虽近人心暖,多年愿望今成真。日日盼望两牵手,终于洞房会佳人。亲朋好友身边闹,祝福话儿不停绕。来年添个大胖小,三口之家乐淘淘。祝新婚快乐,早生贵子!

  1. Although the cold winter is close to people's heart, many years' wishes have come true. I hope I can hold hands with each other everyday, and finally I will get married. Friends and family around noisy, blessing words around. Next year add a big fat small, three of the family fun Taotao. I wish you a happy new marriage and early birth!

  2. 缘分的牵引,让两个人生的轨迹交错,编织出炫耀夺目爱的花纹!衷心的祝福你们:相互珍惜,同心永结!

  2. The traction of fate, so that the two tracks of life interlace, weaving a show off patterns of love! Heartfelt blessing to you: cherish each other, concentric knot forever!

  3. 今天,你是最美的,他是最开心的,你俩将是世界上最幸福的,新婚愉快!当然这只是我的祝愿,幸福还有待你二人慢慢去实现,新婚愉快!美女,新婚快乐!

  3. Today, you are the most beautiful, he is the happiest, you two will be the happiest in the world, happy new marriage! Of course, this is just my wish, happiness will be realized slowly by you two, happy new marriage! Beautiful woman, happy new marriage!

  4. 克服了爱情海中的迷茫,经历了爱情海里的风雨,终于等到今天这个阳光灿烂的日子,新婚愉快!恭喜你们喜结良缘,共浴爱河,新婚愉快!祝福你们相亲相爱,幸福到老,新婚愉快!

  4. Overcome the confusion in the love sea, experience the wind and rain in the love sea, and finally wait until today's sunny day, happy wedding! Congratulations on your marriage, bath in love, happy wedding! Wish you love each other, happy old, happy new marriage!

  5. 礼炮一响,喜事登场,鲜花掌声,八方涌来,祝福贺喜,铺天盖地,新郎新娘,情定三生,交杯互饮,白头到老,一份心意,短信遥寄,新婚快乐,永结同心,新婚愉快!

  5. A salute, a happy event, flowers and applause, all kinds of people come here, blessing and congratulation, all over the world, the bridegroom and the bride, love for three lives, drink with each other, live forever, send a message, happy newlywed, together, happy newlywed!

  6. 从此月夜共幽梦,从此双飞效彩蝶,千古知音此心同,一切尽在不言中,红烛高照盈笑意,真心祝愿你俩百年琴瑟,百年偕老

  6. From then on, you will have a dream together. From then on, you will fly with the butterfly. You will have a bosom friend for thousands of years. Everything is in silence. The red candle will shine brightly and smile. I sincerely wish you two a hundred years of life together

  7. 阳光正灿烂,锣鼓已喧天。八千客祝福,万里宾云集。两情喜相悦,相对两无厌。相爱无期限,相爱一万年。这是对新婚的祝福,这是对爱的承诺,祝福一对新人真心相爱,相约永久!

  7. The sun is shining, and the gongs and drums are noisy. Eight thousand blessings, ten thousand guests gathered. The two love each other happily, opposite two have no weariness. Love indefinitely, love for ten thousand years. This is a blessing for the new marriage, this is a commitment to love, bless a new couple really love each other, make an appointment forever!

  8. 人逢喜事精神爽,家沐喜气喜盈门,珠联璧合好美眷,鸳鸯衷情结良缘;良宵香浓情缱绻,洞房春暖意缠绵;琴瑟和鸣婚美满,白头偕老福婵娟。祝福你新婚快乐,一生幸福。

  8. When people are happy, their spirits are fresh, their families are happy and their families are full of happiness, they are in perfect harmony with each other, and the mandarin ducks are in love with each other; the night is fragrant and the wedding room is warm and warm in spring; the zither and Harp are harmonious and the marriage is happy, and they are happy with each other. I wish you a happy marriage and a happy life.