
英语祝福语 时间:2019-11-15 贵子 英语 祝福语 

  1. 早生贵子,丁财两旺。

  1. Give birth to a son early and make both ends meet.

  2. 龙凤呈祥,龙腾凤翔。

  2. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious.

  3. 如鼓琴瑟,花开并蒂。

  3. Like a drum, a zither, and a flower.

  4. 盟结良缘,乾坤定奏。

  4. Make a good alliance and set the tone of heaven and earth.

  5. 夫妻偕老,福禄鸳鸯。

  5. Husband and wife grow old together.

  6. 美满家园,美满良缘。

  6. Happy home, happy marriage.

  7. 成家之始,成双成业。

  7. At the beginning of a family, a couple becomes a business.

  8. 相敬如宾,相亲相爱。

  8. Respect and love each other.

  9. 佳偶天成,郎才女貌。

  9. A good couple is born, talented and beautiful.

  10. 白首成约,终身之盟。

  10. The white leader makes a contract, a lifelong alliance.

  11. 百年琴瑟,百年偕老。

  11. A hundred years of zither and zither, a hundred years together.

  12. 花好月圆,福禄鸳鸯。

  12. Good flowers and a full moon make you happy.

  13. 诗题红叶,诗咏关睢。

  13. The poems are red leaves, and the poems chant the faults.

  14. 前生注定,喜结良缘。

  14. Predestined in previous life, happy marriage.

  15. 新婚大喜,百年好合。

  15. Happy new marriage, happy new year.