
英语观后感 时间:2019-11-14 观后感 英语 大师 


  I didn't expect that there are so many bad movies on Tencent video. When its members feel like they have no taste. Is it necessary to make up such a poor number? Can't we shut down the quality and the rotten things?


  Just because of these platforms, there will be so many rough and rotten movies and TV works. If, like in the past, there are only two broadcast channels, cinema and TV station, how can there be so many ugly things produced?!

  鬼不可怕,可怕的装神弄鬼的人,就象电影里的小斯和那些被当作实验品的受害者,都是别有用心的坏人把他们变成那个样子的。可笑的豪叔和友叔,虽然老朽又笨拙,可是心地善良,收养了无辜儿童和中毒的小斯,还打死了作恶多端的坏人,捣毁了实验室。尽管,没有彻底消灭坏人,影片也是拍得个不前不后,无头无尾的样子,但是还宣扬的正能量,不算纯粹的无聊,并且只适合小 孩子们看。

  Ghosts are not terrible, terrible people who pretend to be ghosts, just like the little girl in the movie and the victims who are treated as experimental objects, are all bad people who have ulterior motives to make them look like that. Funny uncle Hao and uncle you, though old and clumsy, are kind-hearted. They adopted innocent children and poisoned young man, killed many evil people and destroyed the laboratory. Although the film has not completely eliminated the bad guys, it is also filmed in a headless and tailless manner, but it also publicizes the positive energy, which is not purely boring, and only suitable for children to watch.


  Hong Kong's past stars like Qian Xiaohao and Chen you have no future, and there is no chance for them to make films and TV programs. They can only make things to coax children to play. This is also in line with the law of nature, the survival of the fittest, the new for the old. Otherwise, no matter the old and the small are crowded in the film and television industry without any creativity, how can they accommodate so many people? Even the former superstars, sooner or later there is also a day to quit, not to mention these three or four line stars, as early as possible to retreat, a good life. Don't make any more bad films, waste social resources and delay everyone's time.